Conversation 1

Man: How is the Thai restaurant?
Woman: It’s great. All the food is with organic ingredients.
Man: That sounds . How late is it ?
Woman: Well, food is until 11, but the bar is open midnight.
Man: I will have to it out.
Woman: You should. It’s the visit.

Conversation 2

Man: Are you still basketball tonight?
Woman: No, the game is .
Man: Oh, no, is that?
Woman: The rec hall is for something.
Man: That’s bad.
Woman: Yeah, some is scheduled to play tonight.

Conversation 3

Man: Is the report yet?
Woman: It is done.
Man: When it be finished?
Woman: It should be done very .
Man: Well, as soon it is finished, please it to me.
Woman: I will. The it’s finished, get it.

Conversation 4

Man: This chair is .
Woman: Who it?
Man: I don’t know. It broken when I got here.
Woman: Should I it out?
Man: No, I’ll see if can fix it.
Woman: Don’t bother. It is more than it’s worth.
Man: You may be .

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